Product List
Beneficial Nematodes
Retaliate BN/Hb (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora)
- Targeting: grubs
- Product Sheet
Retaliate BN/Sc (Steinernema carpocapsae)
- Targeting: ground dwelling insects and borers
- Product Sheet
Retaliate BN/Sf (Steinernema feltiae)
- Targeting: thrips, fungus gnats
- Product Sheet
Retaliate BN/Sr (Steinernema riobrave)
- Targeting: weevils
- Product Sheet
N-Terragate LH (Leaf Health)
- Highly concentrated, multi-strain Bacillus blend.
- Bacterial product of metabolites providing healthy leaf structure and plant vigor.
- Repopulation of leaf microflora with targeted microorganisms.
- Improved nutritional uptake efficiency by breakdown of fertilizers into plant available components.
- Formulated as a water soluble powder, for incorporation into drench, chemigation or injection programs.
- OMRI certified.
- SDS Sheet
- Label
N-Terragate MYCO
- Comprised of multi-strain endomycorrhizal fungi and humic acid in combination with selectively chosen microbial blends.
- Aids in establishing a secondary root system which increases nutritional uptake.
- Provides greater resistance to stressors, particularly excessive heat and lack of water.
- Improves plant vigor, flowering and fruit/vegetable production.
- Label
N-Terragate Citrus RH (Root Health)
- Highly concentrated, multi-strain Bacillus blend specifically customized for use in citrus.
- Repopulates natural soil microflora.
- Improves root health benefits.
- Produces crystal proteins at the root zone.
- Improves soil quality and health.
- Stimulates production of enzymes and metabolites at the root zone.
- SDS Sheet
- Label
N-Terragate RH (Root Health)
- Highly concentrated, multi-strain Bacillus blend.
- Repopulates natural soil microflora.
- Improves root health benefits.
- Produces crystal proteins at the root zone.
- Improves soil quality and health.
- Stimulates production of enzymes and metabolites at the root zone.
- Label
N-Terragate T2
- Concentrated, multi-strain Trichoderma/Bacillus blend.
- Production of organic acids and natural growth hormones to promote growth of root systems.
- Improved resistance to environmental stresses, such as salinity and drought by improving nutrient and water absorption.
- Improved soil structure, standardizing the soil microflora and helping build stable crumb structure preservice moisture and fertility.
- Formulated as a water soluble powder, for incorporation into drench, chemigation or injection programs.
- OMRI certified.
- SDS Sheet
- Label
N-Terragate Titan (Soil Health)
- Concentrated, multi-strain Bacillus blend.
- Repopulates the natural soil microflora.
- Improves nutritional uptake efficiency by breakdown of fertilizers into plant-available components.
- Improves root health benefits.
- Improves soil quality and health.
- Provides fatty acid production at root zone.
- Technical Data Sheet
- SDS Sheet
- Label
- Selectively chosen, naturally occurring Pseudomonas strain
- Supports plant resilience by promoting healthy growth and development.
- Works across a variety of conditions to ensure plants thrive in every phase of growth.
- Repopulation of leaf microflora with targeted microorganisms.
- Preventive and proactive. Designed for long-lasting activity, supporting your crops from the ground up.
- Formulated as a water soluble powder for drench, chemigation, or injection programs.
- SDS Sheet
- Label
N-Vigorate GRO
- A blend of Humic and Fulvic acids, combined with microorganisms.
- Increases the plant availability to increase nutrient uptake.
- Humic Acids allow the plant’s root cells to absorb more water, creating an osmotic pull. Fulvic acids chelate the nutrients and improve the flow into the plant cells, keeping them available once within the cells.
- Improved soil health by introducing bacteria and fungi into the soil matrix.
- Production of microbial metabolites that promote root growth and plant vigor.
- Formulated as a water soluble powder, for incorporation into drench, chemigation, foliar spray or injection program.
- SDS Sheet
- Label
N-Vigorate SEA
- A blend of Seaweed Extract, Humic and Fulvic acids.
- Enhances plant natural defenses.
- Relieves stresses caused by salinity, temperature and drought.
- Improves plant vigor and accelerates growth.
- Develops better roots.
- Increases bloom set and size of flowers and fruit.
- Excellent chelating agent. Improves mineral uptake.
- Rich in naturally occurring complexes such as alginic acids and mannitol among others.
- Formulated as a water soluble powder, for incorporation into drench, chemigation, foliar spray or injection program.
- SDS Sheet
- Label
Water Treatment
Water Treatment
- Designed to keep micro-irrigation emitters free and clear of bio-slimes, algae, hard water, and other poor water quality issues.
- Directly targets the root cause of poor water quality due to variations in geographical area and water source.
- Environmentally friendly.
- Available to combat four distinct water quality concerns:
Jet-Oxide 15%
- Controls sulfides, odor, slime, and algae in water systems including drip systems filters, tapes and emitters.
- OMRI Certified
- Label
- SDS Sheet
- OMRI Certificate
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Hours of Operation
Monday-Saturday: 7am-6pm